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Buy Fluke 561 HVAC/R Infrared (IR) and Contact Thermometer| Powerpro Nigeria


Fluke 561 HVAC/R Infrared (IR) and Contact ThermometerCombines the temperature measurement functions that are ideal for industrial, electrical, and HVAC/R professionals. This infrared and contact thermometer measures both IR and contact temperature. Additionally, it features a handy Velcro® pipe probe or, plug in any industry...

Electrical components near me, Electrical components store in Nigeria,Fluke 393,oscilliscope, transcat, fluke t6 ,flow meter calibration services, fluke 289, insulation multimeter suppliers in Nigeria, Fluke calibration services,insulation multimeter suppliers in lagos


Buy Fluke 561-NIST HVAC/R Infrared and Contact Thermometer, includes Traceable Certificate| Powerpro Nigeria

Fluke 561-NIST HVAC/R Infrared and Contact Thermometer, includes Traceable CertificateCombines the temperature measurement functions that are ideal for industrial, electrical, and HVAC/R professionals. This infrared and contact thermometer measures both IR and contact temperature. This product includes a Traceable Certificate with full Data and Uncertainties.Fluke...

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